YAY! It is finally Wednesday and that means the weekend is getting closer and closer. Today on the blog I am sharing another great wedding tip, Create a Facebook Group. We all know how addicting social media can be but for wedding planning it can be incredibly useful. So, the Facebook groups that I think you need for wedding planning is BRIDAL PARTY GROUPS.

It seems like nowadays bridal parties are getting larger and larger. So, getting everyone on the same page or organized together can be challenging. You can do one big bridal party group and have everyone included or do a groom group and a bride group separate. I prefer the separate groups, just because there’s a lot of different parts to each group.
One reason why I think Facebook groups are a good idea is, it is one place you can all privately interact and share ideas. Email and group text are great for that too but Facebook groups keep things a little more organized for you all. No one has time to sift through a million emails or texts. Facebook groups make it simple. You can ask a question and all the answers will be in that question’s comments. Use the group to share images, ideas and help schedule appointments or tasks with all your bridesmaids.
One other great perk to using a Facebook group is you can unplug from it when you have had too much ‘wedding planning’ for one day. With using emails and text messages it is hard to do that.
The more organized you are the less overwhelming wedding planning will be! Keep checking weekly for more wedding planning tips.