The wedding ring symbolizes the eternity of love and marriage. The history of the wedding ring dates back to the romans. They believed that there was a vein that ran directly from the fourth finger on the left hand all the way to the heart. They called this the ‘Vena Amoris’ or the vein of love.

Over time wedding rings have vastly changed. A common trend in this day is a tattoo for your wedding ring. Is there any better way to show your partner that you plan to stay with them for life?
I, personally, am a huge fan of the tattooed wedding ring. However, I do believe that you should follow a few simple guidelines to consider if this is the route you choose to go:
1. Pick a reputable artist that you are comfortable with. Tattoos are PERMANENT. This is also a small area that needs to be tattooed properly. Finger tattoos commonly ‘bleed’ and can end up looking like a mess.
2. Be original and choose something meaningful to you as a couple. There are so many trendy designs that are very popular. It will be all the more special if it is personal to you.
3. Fading will happen, especially if you are someone who works with their hands day after day. Expect it. Also, backs of the finger rarely take.
4. Although it is becoming much more prevalent in society, there will still be some jobs that do not find hand tattoos acceptable. Be sure to use common sense if you are considering this.
5. Again, they are permanent. Be sure the design you choose is something that you will still be happy with in 1 year, 5 years, even 20 years later.
If the traditional wedding ring is just not for you, this might be a great option. Whatever you choose to symbolize your marriage, ring or tattoo, be sure to wear is proudly!!!